Today was a wonderful day for our family. Hubby and I got baptized! Nick was sprinkled as a tiny tot, but I never had been. Baptism had never been a real priority for me. I figured that I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, so I was good to go. I wasn't opposed to baptism...I just didn't see it as necessary.
Well, after attending several baptism services and looking at the scripture a little more closely, I began to see it for what it is...not a checkmark on some spiritual scorecard, but an outward symbol of a precious internal relationship and an act of obedience to a holy God. In Matthew 3:16-17 Jesus is baptized by John. At that time, the Spirit of God descended from heaven and God said "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Why wouldn't I want to please my God? He made the ultimate sacrifice for me!
So I decided that I would be baptized whenever Ansley decided to do it. You know, in the next 3-30 years. However, our church just concluded a series called "Live Like You Were Dying." It's all about seizing today...speaking sweeter, loving deeper, and giving forgiveness. I pray that I am, but I might not be around when Ansley makes that decision, so today was as good a day as any! I am so glad that I did it and that Nick decided to share that moment with me! Here are some pics...
Nick went first. Brandon double-dipped Nick...I guess he thought he needed a little extra cleansing!

Then it was my turn! That water was COLD!!!
Afterwards Ansley said "When I get 'advertised', I'm going to go in that water too!" I pray that you do, sweet girl. And I pray that Daddy and I are there to rejoice right along with you!
~A special thanks to my parents and Cam for driving down after church to be with Nick and I as we celebrated a new life! We love you guys!