Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Harper's Awake!
God is so good and merciful and wonderful and sovereign...
I'm overwhelmed and crying such happy tears for this family. I cannot imagine the feeling they must have had to finally see their baby's beautiful eyes.
Kelly has had several people email her to say that they received Christ since following Harper's story. Hallelujah!
What a bright spot on such a dreary day!!!
Love to you all...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
You Tell Me
Monday, January 19, 2009
Our God is a big and mighty God. I know that he can heal Harper and give Kelly and Scott the dream they have dreamt for years. Please pray.
Visit Kelly's blog so you can go back and follow their journey from the beginning.
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Ugly Christmas Sweater Fight Night
Here are our friends Adam and Alycia. Alycia was really in the spirit. She actually paid full price for her new UCS. (Note to the sweater industry: Shame on you! There is no excuse for continuing to manufacture such offensive holiday wear.)
This is Glenn. If we were giving awards, Glenn would win in every category. Not able to find the perfect UCS, Glenn (an engineer, I should note) set out to create his own. He actually sewed that Santa onto a Bill Cosby-esqe sweater he found at Goodwill. And please, please note the socks. Everyone that saw Glenn said, "Dude, the socks make it!" (That little guy is Glenn's mini-me, Cole.)
It was an entertaining night to say the least. Thanks to our fun friends that participated - we had some slackers that didn't.
P.S. My hubby wants me to tell ya'll that the only thing better than the sweaters was Rampage Jackson's knockout punch...yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Look Back

...became this. (Ugh, this pic is dark...see the pic over at Kimba's)
This next project was for Beanie's nursery. I found this lovely lady on Good Friday at the flea market. It was a good Friday indeed! I was on a mission to find a dresser/changing table and this sweetie fit the bill perfectly. She's long and deep. Perfect for all that changing table paraphenalia...you mama's know what I'm sayin'. There was just one issue...she was blue. And since Beanie was missing some, um, equipment that would have called for a blue dresser, I set to work on the makeover...
I liked her sexy legs!
Here she is, all fresh and white and nursery-ish! See her? There...behind the little people. (I tried to take a pic tonight without the munchkins, but the lighting is terrible and you can't see how fresh she really looks. So this not-at-all-recent one will have to do.)
Here's a look at her pretty glass knobs. (See the crap-o lighting.)
And here are those gorgeous gams...
Staying in the nursery, here is a peek at the window "mistreatment" in there. Ala the Nester, I found two complementary fabrics and some kicky trim to tie it together, busted out the glue gun (that's right), and whipped up some deliciousness while watching an episode of Real Housewives of New York (I'm hanging my head in shame).
In the nursery we have a monogrammed lamp shade. I love having a lamp in the nursery, so we don't have to use the overhead lighting. If I could, I would only use lamps! I found a lamp that wasn't being used and went to work. I'll try to tap out a tutorial on this project in the coming weeks.
Big sister got a mono-shade too!
Again in the nursery...wow, it's so true that babies really take over your world! I wanted something over the crib that was a little different. I got a large letter from JoAnn's and duplicated the dust ruffle stripe on it. This was a tedious and time consuming project because of the size of the stripes. But it really turned out so great and I think it makes the room.
Truthfully, the nursery, in and of itself, is a 2008 completed project. Before it became a nursery, it was being used for overflow storage and Ansley's large toys. When we got pregnant (we meaning me) and determined that we (we meaning I) didn't want to give up the guestroom, this room became the nursery by default. I don't have before pics because...well, frankly it was scary. The walls were plain-jane, cream. No offense to anyone named Jane. There was a mess of junk scattered all around. I don't need photos of things like that lurking around to remind me of darker days! So I chose a color (that is pretty scary when it's going on the wall) and we painted. Then my sweet husband and my sweet FIL put up the beadboard and chair rail (that's not really a chair rail). The result is pretty dramatic, but that's what I was going for.
I created personalized plaques for the girls' doors as well. This is a pic of Ansley's but Ellie has one that is almost identical...well, except for the letter, of course!
Well, I think that about does it. I hope to complete so many more projects in 2009. I feel fulfilled and productive when I am creating things. I hope that you will make it a point to create a beautiful life for yourself and your family in the coming year!
Until we meet again~
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Can you believe it?
I am not even kidding.
Ask Jill. She was there.
And no, Mom, no one was chasing me.
I am weak. I gave into the hype. I'm a sucker for peer pressure.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Beautiful Life

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!!!
Celebrate each day!!!